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Firmware Update X100


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Zu der Ankündigung einer Fuji X-E2 erschien auch das lang erwartete Firmware-Update für die X100 Version 2.0 mit folgenden Änderungen:

  • 1.Improvement of AF speed
    Approximately 20% faster AF speed is achieved in various conditions such as bright scenes, dark scenes and changed focus distance compared to the previous firmware version.
  • 2.Improvement of close-up focus performance
    The focus distance from the lens surface without switching to macro mode is approximately 30% shorter compared to previous firmware version.
  • 3."Focus Peak Highlight" function for manual focusing is added.
    The function, which features on FUJIFILM X100S and X20, is added and assists accurate and sensitive manual focusing by enhancing the outline of your subject in high contrast.
    * With this update, "Focus Peak Highlight" function is selected as a default setting. Pressing the center of the command dial for a while enables you to switch the setting of "Focus Peak Highlight" and "STANDARD" (off of "Focus Peak Highlight"). And "MF ASSIST" is added in SHOOTING MENU where you can select "HIGH" and "LOW" in "Focus Peak Highlight" and "STANDARD".
  • 4.Improved manual focus operation
    This makes it easier to capture the peak of the focus by displaying the image with shallow depth of field, using open aperture, when adjusting the focus with the electronic view finder or the LCD.
  • 5.Faster start-up time
    The camera start-up time is shortened by approximately 0.2 second with QUICK START mode OFF.
  • 6.Improved operability of selecting focus area
    Previously, the focus area was selected while holding the AF button on the back. With the upgraded firmware, pressing the AF button will switch to the focus area selection screen and the area of your choice can then be selected.
  • 7.The phenomenon is fixed that a camera will automatically turn off during "Bulb (B)" shooting with the "CONTINUOUS" setting in "IMAGE DISP."