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Gerücht Fuji X200: Vollformat mit 24MP?


CI Gründer
Es gibt ein neues Gerücht, dass Fujifilm einen Nachfolger der X100s als Vollformatsensor mit neugerechnetem 35mm Objektiv und 24 MP bringen will.


2014 could be the year of the X200. Previous rumors (xjrumo) said it would be full frame.

Now, a new source (thanks a lot) shared more details with us. Here is what it wrote.

“X200 is a total upgrade of X100/X100s with tilt screen, fixed new lens, and bright new EVF (better than X100s but not as much as X-T1). 24 MP X trans sensor, very much improved AF (compared to X100S) with wider detection area [admin: wider phase detection pixels area]. Quite an exciting time !!”

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