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News Sigma Photo Pro 6.3.3


Läuft öfters hier vorbei
Zum 24.3.2016 kam die nächste Version raus:

  • ・It corrects the phenomenon of the Contrast slider and the Shadow slider on the Adjustment pallet not operating properly when the Color Mode of RAW data (X3F file) taken with dp Quattro series are set to “Portrait”.
  • ・It corrects the phenomenon of black dot-like noise appearing in rare cases on developed RAW data (X3F file) when taken with dp Quattro cameras that are updated with the firmware (SIGMA dp0 Quattro (Ver.1.01), SIGMA dp1 Quattro(Ver.1.04), SIGMA dp2 Quattro (Ver.1.08), SIGMA dp3 Quattro (Ver.1.03)) released on February 19th, 2016, and also on JPEG and TIFF data which are developed and saved by SIGMA Photo Pro and are displayed on the Review Window.
Scheint primär um Anpassungen für die dp Quattro Kamera zu handeln.

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